Wednesday, August 1, 2007

General Revelation 7 - Summing up

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. - Psalm 19:1-2

So can we come to a conclusion? Let's conclude with the following:

1) General Revelation taken in isolation without a Special Revelation is not sufficient to bring one to a saving faith in Christ.

2) God may use General Revelation in the process of bringing someone to saving faith - however it is not in isolation from the Special Revelation of the Bible.

Where and if RTB/Hugh Ross moves beyond these statements, we would disagree.
Ultimately, God knows exactly what path each sheep will take to come to a saving faith - and where things are not exactly clear as to that path, we should leave it up to Him and His wisdom.

This all comes about as some smoking gun against the progressive creationist position - which is a moot point.

Let's assume for argument the moment that Hugh Ross takes things too far (which I think is safe to conclude) It does not follow that a more extreme view of general revelation would invalidate the other planks of the old-earth progressive creation perspective.

General Revelation is a component that God may or may not use in the path of bringing a sinner to salvation. Let's not afford too much value to the general revelation over the specific - but at the same time, lets not discount its value.