Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dual Revelation Introduction

Chapter Two of CAT is entitled Dual Revelation.

Ross: "On no other issue have the words of the Bible been pitted so sharply against the
facts of nature." [p.7 - emphasis added] "We can expect interpretation of the facts of
nature to be consistent with the message of Genesis and the rest of canon." [p. 57 -
emphasis added]

Throughout Creation and Time the pronouncements of current, mainline astro-physics are
enthusiastically accepted as fact. Foremost of these is the belief that the distance of
the stars and the speed of light prove that the universe is billions of years old.

From the very beginning, Creation and Time (Ross) frames the controversy as revolving
around the question of biblical interpretation. (CAT-25)

This chapter is going to investigate the following claims and issues:

  1. Science cannot directly deal with the past
  2. Majority opinion does not determine truth
  3. Scientists are human
  4. Science changes
  5. The weaker evidences of the Bible (a Ross quote)
  6. CLAIM: Single Revelation is the belief of many YEC
  7. CLAIM: The facts of nature are like a 67th book of the Bible
  8. CLAIM: Observation of the universe (general revelation) is sufficient to discover the
  9. CLAIM: The universe is billions of years old.

This should be fun - and hopefully not too polemic.

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