Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Triviality and PC Ministries - The Wrap Up

As a parting blow, CAT closes this chapter with the following:

Considering the emphasis of Ross's own ministry [RTB], it is ironic that he calls the age issue trivial. if so, why has he committed so much time and money to writing and speaking on this very subject? based upon his own actions, it is doubtful that he really believes this issue is "trivial." (CAT-24)

CAT then quotes from the Hugh Ross Creation and Time:

The battle line has been drawn over a peripheral point - the age of the universe and our earth. Misidentifying God or His key attributes could destroy the possibility of a person's relationship with Him. Misunderstanding God's strengths, capacities, and past works can impair the success of such a relationship. But misidentifying the timing of God's past works in the cosmos has little or no bearing on that relationship. Nor does it bear upon the Bible's authority. it appears ill-advised, then to make an issue out of such a trivial doctrinal point. (CAT-15 quoting Ross in Creation and Time)

Christ and the Gospel - that is the main thing. If it could be shown that the YEC view of the age of the earth truely impacts the Gospel - then it is time for me and for every PC to rethink thier position.

I am convinced that the YEC position is wrong. However I'm just as convinced that I could be wrong too. It is not a core doctrine of the faith. I would not call it trivial as far as the complexity and depth of the arguments- but it is not something that should divide us.

So what about the allegation of ministries (and this blog) devoted to the subject? I wont speak for RTB, but as for me, I desire to see the body of Christ move past this divisive issue and to unite against our common enemies and essentially share the gospel of Christ to a dying world.

For it's the Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation - not the young or old earth position that saves.

This wraps up the section on CAT Triviality. As a summary - here are links to the appropriate sections in the order that CAT presents them.

Introduction part 1 Bringing out the guns
Introduction part 2 Who is Hugh Ross
Introduction part 3 Brief Summary of Dr. Ross's book

Is the Age of the earth trivial

Physical death came through sin

Original paradise part 1
Original paradise part 2

Corruption and decay of paradise began with sin & judgement
Restoration of paradise
Purpose of death part 1 The models
Purpose of death part 2 Animal Death
Purpose of death part 3 Human Death after the Fall
Purpose of death part 4 The Problem of Evil
Purpose of death part 5 The Problem of Evil and Free Will
Purpose of death part 6 The Problem of Evil and a Sovereign God
Purpose of death part 7 Wrapping this up

Animal death
Christ - sadistic or totally good and loving?
Christ - all powerful all knowing absolute perfection.
Genesis is foundational
Trust in God's word
Health of the church

(this article - the wrap up)

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