Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Is the age of the earth trivial

The first chapter of substance deals with what is described as a "key tactic of Progressive Creationism" - that is the claim that the age of the earth is a trivial point." The triviality of the debate is rejected as FALSE with the following declaration.

Although many Christians miss the connection at first glance, this issue is inseparably linked to the Gospel and the inerrancy of Scripture. (CAT-15)

The following points are then given as proof that this is not a trivial point.

  1. Physical death came through sin
  2. Original paradise
  3. Corruption and decay of paradise began with sin & judgement
  4. Restoration of paradise
  5. Purpose of death
  6. Animal death
  7. Christ - sadistic or totally good and loving?
  8. Christ - all powerful all knowing absolute perfection.
  9. Genesis is foundational
  10. Trust in God's word
  11. Health of the church
  12. Final note - trivial yet RTB is dedicated to it...
My co-bloggers and I will address these items (not necessarily in order due to each of our own schedules and time constraints). We pray that God will continue to bless the study of His word. Amen.

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