Thursday, June 14, 2007

CAT: Introduction - bringing out the guns

This blog is not going to be a plagarized full copy of the subject book - but we will extensively quote enough from it to give a proper context and we will always refer to the page number as (CAT-9) for page 9. Quotes from the book will be in red.

In the Introduction we find the following:

This report examines one of the latest writings of Hugh Ross, Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on the Creation-Date Controversy (CAT-9)

It should be noted that RTB has been busy in putting out books since this time and a more up to date book on the creation-date controversy has been recently released entitled "A Matter of Days." I am sure that we will see some quotes from this newer book within this blog.

CAT continues:

The purpose of this report is to document a number of important biblical, theological, language, and research errors...Having followed the author's (Ross) career for years, it is evident that significant erroneous claims are generally consistent throughout his writings, lectures, and video presentations. (CAT-9)

We believe that Dr. Ross is saved, and that his expressed desire to live for Christ is genuine. His desire to evangelize is laudable... We also admire his ability to remain relatively cool and self-controlled under pressure. (CAT-9)

Lets say right now - thank you to the authors for admiting that you can be a Christian and believe in an old earth. This is more than some in the young earth camp will admit. I know there is significant debate on the details - but the CAT authors have gone where some YEC authors wont go - to admit that this is not an issue of salvation - this will be a critical point in discussions to come.

From the onset, I'm struck by the somewhat congenial nature of this introductory language. We know there is a controversy coming - a conflict of interpretation. And we can expect the guns to come out shortly - but it is nice to see this type of language at the start. We can only hope that this congeniality continues in the book.

What distresses us is his (Ross) continuing use of various erroneous teachings about the Bible. We believe these teachings are leading people down a wrong and dangerous path -- a trail trod by many in the past that has repeatedly led ultimately to even more serious theological problems and loss of faith in God's Word. (CAT-9)

The guns are rolling out - but in all fairness, this is a legitimate thesis for the book and is exactly what this blog will endevour to critique.

The 2nd section of the book is entitled Who is Hugh Ross - and we will cover this in the next entry.

May God bless the study of His Word. Amen

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