CAT: Introduction - Brief Summary of Dr. Ross's Book
I just love the opening salvo from this section.
Based on its content, Creation and Time could have been titled, "Creation in a Great Deal of Time: Young-Earth Creationist are Wrong and the Bible and Science Prove It." (CAT-12)
That's pretty funny, but in all honesty its true. That is the thesis of the book. However, lets remember the door swings both ways. The VanBebber/Taylor book could have just as well been titled: Creation and Time: Old Earth / Progressive Creationism is Heresy and We Can Prove It.
The chapter then goes on to list some of the basic concepts of Progressive Creationism.
- the earth and universe are billions of years old
- the Genesis days of creation are overlapping periods of millions and billions of years
- death and bloodshed have existed from the beginning...
- Noah's flood was local, not global, although it killed all humans outside the ark
- claim the moral high ground in the controversy
- attempt to show that YEC are misguided fanatics, using bad science, and over blowing the importance of a small issue
- attempt to show that the Bible allows for long Creation days
- attempt to show that historic Christianity is in agreement with non-literal days and an old earth
- attempt to show that YEC is dangerous ... making it nearly impossible for many people to accept the Bible and Christ
- reassure readers that PC is in opposition to evolution and atheism
- attempt to show evidences prove beyond doubt the age of the universe
- attempt to show there is no credible evidence for a young earth
- attempt to show that YEC are out of touch with reality
- attempt to show that the Big Bang is a wonderful breakthrough for Christianity affirming God's existence from the very beginning
- attempt to show that long ages interpretation of Genesis days is the simplest reading
- attempt to show that PC interpretation of days fits beautifully with science discoveries
- attempt to show there was death before the fall and that this doesn't impact Christ's atonement,
faith, or morality - attempt to show that PC is an evangelical position...
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