Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is this all about

(picture is StarWr124 - Hubble Telescope)

My name is Todd L. - and I believe that God uniquely created all matter, space, time, humans, plants, animals, minerals, etc (everything) and that he did so over a period of billions of years. I reject theistic evolution. I also believe that God is not some impersonal force, but that He has revealed Himself in the pages of the Bible. The God of creation is not some nebulous intelligent designer - but is in fact the God of the Bible.

To catalog my views - you would say that I'm a progressive creationist. I do not hold up as authoritative any one organization or person to 100% model my views after. I do appreciate and Hugh Ross, but I do not approve or agree with absolutely everything he says or believes.

This blog is going to share my thoughts on the subject of origins, age of the earth, and the old vs. young earth controversy. To do so we will start by responding to the specific fact claims that are presented in the book:

Creation And Time - A Report on the Progressive Creationist Book by Hugh Ross.

You can buy this book by following the link. Comments will be allowed on this blog if you have a blogger account. Anonymous comments will not be allowed. Thank you - now lets tackle this subject together.


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