Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Purpose of Death - Part 7 - Wrapping this up

Summarizing on the purpose of death.
  • Both YEC and OEC camps believe that human death was the result of the fall.
  • Animal death has been shown to be beneficial in transforming the life on the planet, and even beneficial to the entire ecosystem.
  • There is a lot more to death than simply the punishment of Adam's and mankind's sin.
  • Sin and evil do in fact come as a result of free will decisions from fallen man.
  • God is sovereign over all things including evil.
  • Death for the Christian is a glorious thing - there is no sting.

CAT claims that the real purpose in death shows that the notion of the age of the earth is not a trivial matter. Yet we have seen that the camps are not really that far off - with the exception of the timing of animal death. We have seen that millions of years of animal death has nothing to do with the atonement.

Death is not a trivial matter. Thousands go to their grave every day to spend an endless eternity in hell. If you are someone that has been considering Christianity, but a notion of a young earth is holding you back - please don't let this be a stumbling block.

You dont have to be a statistic.

  • Have you ever told a lie?
  • Have you ever stolen anything?
  • Have you ever looked at someone with lustful thoughts?
  • Have you ever used "Jesus" "Christ" or "God" as a curse word?

These are all elements of the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are God's standard for behavior. If God were to judge you by these standards on judgement day, would you be innocent or guilty? Don't be hasty. Don't assume God will let you go by.

Think in terms of a human judge. If there were a criminal that was sentenced to $5,000,000 fine - what would you think of a judge that would just let the guilty man go free becuase he said something like, "Judge - I know you are a very good person, and I've done a lot of good things in my life, and I promise to never do it again?" If the judge let this man go - you would be indignant! That would not be a just judge.

Likewise, God can not look upon sin. However the GOOD NEWS is that (in terms of this analogy) someone has come to the judge and paid your fine. His name is Jesus - and He came to earth and became a man - God became flesh - and dwelled among us. He lived a sinless life and He was crucified and He laid down His life to satisfy the wrath of God. If you will put your faith in Jesus and this work for you, and repent and turn from your sin, He will forgive you and you need not fear the wrath of God for your sin.

Dont let this day go by without getting quiet before God and reflecting on your grave situation. Pray to God and tell Him from your heart that you need him. For more information on God and your need for him - please visit needgod.com.

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